Madison Parent Compact
Student/Teacher/Parent Compact
Student/Teacher/Parent Compact
2018-2019 School Year
Madison School believes that student success depends on a strong bond between a child’s home environment and the school environment. It is the intent of Madison School to maintain an ongoing partnership with the parents in our school community. Parents and family are a child’s first and most important teachers. Every effort will be made to encourage a successful learning experience.
I, a Madison Parent, will make every effort to:
- Send my child to school on time, well rested, nourished, and ready to learn.
- Spend time discussing the day’s activities and reading with my child(ren).
- Provide a quiet place for my child to study every night.
- Monitor the completion of daily homework.
- Volunteer, Attend Back-to-School Night, Parent/Teacher Conferences, Open House and other school events.
- Read the Parent/Student Fact Sheet and Handbook
- Support the School Dress Code and Discipline Policy.
- Teach my child to respect authority and the rights of others.
- Maintain ongoing communication with teachers and school personnel and return correspondence when necessary.
I, a Madison Student, will make every effort to.
- Come to school every day well rested, arrive on time, and be ready to learn.
- Complete and return all homework assignments.
- Listen and follow directions the first time given.
- Follow all rules at school; respect myself, others, and property.
- Read the Parent/Student Fact Sheet.
- Complete homework, classwork and projects on time.
- Be respectful to everyone.
- Try my best.
- Show Eagle Pride and always be a learner.
I, a Madison Staff Member, will make every effort to:
- Maintain professional and positive attitudes.
- Provide a challenging, standards-based curriculum to every student.
- Provide meaningful homework assignments.
- Provide a safe and friendly environment where students learn.
- Inform parents/guardians of student progress and behavior in a timely manner.
image Maintain and keep updated student academic records. - Enforce school rules consistently and fairly.
Signature ________________________________